It's my last week of maternity leave. How on earth did 8 weeks fly by so freaking quickly?
How did this little baby transform from a foreigner in our home to the heart of it?
How do I get dressed in REAL clothes to go to work?
How do I WORK? Somedays it takes all I can to get out of the house.
And mostly... how do I drop this little girl off with someone who isn't ME? I have control issues as it is, with a child they have ramped up. Yet, I am excited to know what life looks like
back at the gym
back with my youth
back in the office
back at meetings
all... with a kid.
Every time I think that I just can't do it... I just can't... I think of all of those that have done it in the past... all that are doing it at the same time as me... and all that will be doing it soon enough.
Speak of soon enough... is this what happens in your late 20s (it was very difficult to type LATE 20's) EVERYONE IS PREGNANT.
No, of course it's not EVERY SINGLE PERSON I KNOW but basically.
I could list them all but there are a lot living in the 'secret' phase. I kinda love that time, when only a few people know and you feel like the luckiest friend ever because you get to know. Stop guessing... you'll find out soon enough.
Here is to the new normal. Where I can't just go to the gym for 2 hours a day. Where I have to make bottles, and label things (well, I do love the labeling part), and plan meals in advance. Where time at home seems precious and I'm not antsy to get out. Where I live my life as Emily, the wife, friend, youth minister, and MOM.
But today... I'm wearing yoga pants and not leaving the house... because I still have a couple more day so of maternity leave.