I began Holy Week worrying about getting everything organized on my rather long 'to do' list.
I love to-do lists and they keep me focused, plus, crossing something off always gives me a slight thrill. Those who knew me as an over scheduled 9th grader will remember those lists in my St. Andrew's Priory school assignment tablet. In college they moved to a lime green leather organizer. Once I became a teacher one of the first study tools I gave my students was a stack of post-it notes. They made their to-do lists daily.
Holy Week's to-do list is sitting in front of me as I type... it looks like this...
Note: the small post-it is the beginning of my to-do list for next week of things I 'can't forget'
A Holy Week to-do-list is a great tool but really, it is NOT making my Holy Week holy... One of my 'to-dos' today was to paint a sheet for the children's Good Friday Service (shameless plug... be there Friday at 5:30pm!) with the words REMEMBER ME. As I did this I took some time to pray for my youth, especially the ones who will be leading this service, as well as for the children who will attend. As I sat there... praying that this experience is life-giving for all involved I looked at what I was writing... God has a way of giving us signs... and since I can be such a control freak apparently he let me create my own. I stood back to look at my accomplishment (one more thing to check off the list) and I saw this:

check. This week may include to-do-lists but it is about an amazing man who died for me. He died so that I could live. He died so that no matter how many times I forget to remember Him, no matter how many times I don't do enough, don't say the right thing, don't get it right, I am forgiven and loved.
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