I came across this little gem this weekend. It was during nap time when important things are supposed to occur in my house. The important thing that happened on Saturday was that I watched every single Kid President video on YouTube.
Kid President brings up some important things in his pep talk:
- I'm on your team, be on my team
- That road in the woods is ROUGH ("NOT COOL, Robert Frost" may be a new way that I comfort young people walking those rough roads!)
- What's YOUR Space Jam?
- We were made to be AWESOME.
- It's everybody's duty to give the world a reason to dance.
I find it easy to forget that we were made to do awesome things. That we are each called to change this world in our own way. That we each have a Space Jam in us. For me it gets lost in the menu planning and Facebook stalking. The gym workouts and diaper changes. The laundry and the grocery shopping. The Target runs and youth group planning. I get lost. I forget that my life is more than what I check off my to-do list on a certain day.
We were not made to live lives on the smooth road but to walk through the rocks and thorns and glass so we can become AWESOME. I have watched a lot of awesome in my 28 years on this planet. I wonder if all of those awesome people know what I saw in them? I wonder if Pierce Temple remembers what power his imagination holds. I wonder if Lehua, from my first year of teaching, knows that her spunk, her snark, and her attitude may have made me nuts at times but that they are powerful tools of her unique womanhood that will get stuff done! I wonder if Lucille Caldwell knows (really knows) how many people fell in love with Jesus because she made us sit still, pay attention, and take our own faith seriously... no matter our age or how cute the boy across the room was.
I wonder what my Space Jam would be if I put away my lists and plans and decide to just live the dream.
I needed Kid President to remind me that I need to pull my head out of the routineness that has become my life and expect more from myself, to not give up, to make my Space Jam.
So here is to each of our Space Jams... and giving the world a reason to dance!
And hey, if you didn't already know
I'm on your team!