Welcome to real life, I thought. You can do hard things. I keep reminding myself that the to-do list will get shorter (haha!) and that being without my little man will have joys along with the sting of not having his chubby hand grab for mine all day. And already, 5 hours in, the joys are appearing. I am beyond excited for our mission trip in July. I had breakfast this morning with our high schoolers just because I missed them. Nothing has changed: they are still brutally honest and make me laugh more that I'd like to admit. I was welcomed back with breakfast from the staff and flowers. *Yes, that is double breakfast... be jealous*
When I came back to work after having Aubrey I was afraid of how I'd get it all done. This time I know, I won't. I can't do all.the.things. as much as I desperately wish I could. I'm not the 25 year old youth minister with nothing but time who could go to every everything that ever happened on a campus. Now I'm the *gulp* almost 30 year old youth minister with two kids, play dates, friends, and a house who can't be everywhere but who can be far more authentic than I was 5 years ago. Who can speak the hard truth and hold up the mirror to show my students their beauty and worth. The realness of Christ's movement through my ministry... the way that being a mom has taken time away from my students but given me a heart for them that only a parent can have, it has changed the game for me.
I used to want to give our students the joy of the life I had in high school by living withing a strong Christian community. Now, I want to make sure that each and every one of our students knows that they are worthy. That nothing they do or say or accomplish can make God love them any more or less. That the world needs their unique beautiful selves unfiltered (via Instagram or their peers) and by living into THAT they will know true community and perfect love.
You. Are. His. Beloved.
and so am I.